Friday, February 14, 2014

P2 Venezia Deliverables

A cinematically derived naming of drawings.
Establishing Shot Drawings,1" = 10' or 1/16” = 1'-0”
1. Plan of action
2. Section elevations, each direction
Close Up Drawings
3. 3 or more details or wall sections at 3/4" = 1'-0"
4. A rendering that shows the transformation of the space of the canal.
5. Any process work.

Yes, we are skipping the medium shot.

The goal of this entire set of drawings is to communicate the relationship between the old and new. You have concepts that operate at urban scale, and at the occupants scale. Include materiality and structure to form space.

You may adapt the requirements to suit your project as long as your numbers and effort are corresponding.

1 comment:

  1. These should plotted for presentation, with an economical use of layout space. Plot to scale.
    Establishing Shot Drawings, the section elevations in each direction (1" = 10' or 1/16” = 1'-0”) should fit across a sheet.
    "Plan of action" might fit on the same sheet.
    Details or wall sections at 3/4" = 1'-0" MUST be plotted to scale.
    Post these as well but for posterity not for presentation.
    These may be plotted for presentation:
    A rendering that shows the transformation of the space of the canal. Since you are posting, you might have a diagrammatic rendering of the urban space transformation as an aerial.
    Any process work can be added to layouts or posted.


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