Monday, March 10, 2014

Part 1: Interview

“Stations and paths together form a system. Points and lines, beings and relations. What is interesting might be the construction of the system, the number and disposition of stations and paths. Or it might be the flow of messages passing though the lines. In other words, a complex system can be formally described…One might have sought the formation and distribution of the lines, paths, and stations, their borders, edges and forms. But one must write as well of the interceptions, of the accidents in the flow along the way between stations…What passes may be a message but parasites (static) prevent it from being heard, and sometimes, from being sent.” (102)

Does the interception of a message by a 'parasite (static)’ need to have a negative connotation? How can a parasite enhance the ‘flow of messages’?

It doesn’t need to be negative; it may be pulling focus to something within the message. The difference could enhance the message. On the otherhand, the juxtaposition of two objects might clash with one another…it depends on the architecture and its context. -Dung

“Field conditions offers a tentative opening in architecture to address the dynamic of use, behavior of crowds, and the complex geometries of masses in motion.” (101)

Can architecture function without the manipulation of its field?

Function as being sustained- in general everything that is designed into a field will affect the dynamic of use, behavior of crowds, and movement. It will affect the space by existing; you can't design without it. Either way, whether it is manipulated or not, over time the space will be influenced by the architecture. -Dung

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