Monday, February 17, 2014

Doppio Ponte

Doppio Ponte

VIA Project 2
Venezia, Italy 

The goal of this transitory intervention is to generate a bridge over a Venice canal that pays tribute to the communication between the cultural and technical influences of the old and the new. With this ambition in mind, the site, located on the northwestern edge of Venice, contains three major programmatic elements; the historical Scuola Della Misericordia, a large neighborhood of residential apartments, and a major public school. With an apparent disconnection between these three programs, the goal of this bridge is to unite the three in a matter that caters to students, residents, and visitors. Two bridges, one connected to the Public School, and one on the ground level apartments, intercept each other in a structural network of space frame trusses. The upper bridge runs through two apartment buildings and creates a circulatory threshold while utilizing existing building structures to support the truss system over the canal. 

South Elevation


Structural Truss Detail with supports for steel panels. 

 Eastern Perspective facing the school and apartments

South Section

Section Perspective - Detailing the truss network and building punctures

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