Thursday, February 6, 2014

Fondamenta Misericordia Proposal

The history of The Venetian Arsenal is extremely intriguing, specifically the production of warships and the rate at which they would complete them. Today Venice thrives off of their gondola industry. Tending to this industry is extremely important and Venice only has one boatyard to build and repair gondolas. The island would benefit greatly from another repair station. Programmatically, Site 3 next to the Arsenal made sense however the waterway is narrow for a bridge and station and does not offer easy gondola access. Site 1 had the same problem. Site 2 however offered open, calm waters and extremely easy access. Site 2 also had a clear disconnect where an open passageway between Calle Longa Santa Caterina and Fondamenta Misericordia was cut off, offering a clear design opportunity for a bridged connection which would anchor the Gondola repair station/shelter. Curious pedestrians will get a perfect view of the repair station creating a small scale tourist destination and in turn boosting business.

Squero di San Trovaso: Venice's only Gondola Boatyard

Location of Squero di San Trovaso compared to proposed Gondola Repair Station

Convergence of Rio di Santa Caterina, Rio della Sensa, Rio di san Falice, Rio di Noale along with calm, wide waters provide the perfect location for Misericordia's proposed gondola repair station and shelter

Disconnected thoroughfare


Proposed bridge linkage along with gondola repair station on one end and a rentable private boat shelter on the other. The combination of flow and pause between the bridge and shelters will give new life to this specific site and Venice as a whole.

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