Monday, February 17, 2014

Misericordia Boat Station

Location of Squero di San Trovaso compared to Misericordia Boat Station

Squero di San Trovaso: Venice's only Gondola Boatyard

Site: Convergence Convergence of Rio di Santa Caterina, Rio della Sensa, Rio di san Falice, Rio di Noale along with calm, wide waters

Proposed bridge linkage across river along with gondola repair station and secondary private boat shelter

Plan Form Sketches


Sectional Form Sketches

Perspective sketch looking southwest

Southwest Section Elevation

Northwest Section Elevation 

Southeast Section Elevation 

Render from Northwest walkway

Dock Detail and Diagrams

Render showing connection with site and urban fabric

Acqua Alto Details/Diagrams

Southwest Perspective Render

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